(I didn't take any of these pictures, I forgot to bring the cord to download pictures off my camera. I found these on the Internet and will post my pictures when I get home.)

We got to Portland safe and sound and checked into our hotel room and then headed out to see this absolutely beautiful state. We got a late start and the weather was, well lets say it was like a woman, it changed it's mind every 10 minutes. It was mostly sunny then 10 minutes later it was completely overcast and start to rain, then viola it was spotty clouds 10 minutes later. Crazy!!
Our first stop was the temple. Just like in Arizona Portland is the main city with many large cities surrounding it. The temple is beautiful (aren't they all). This one has marble walls. The parking is very different. There must be 7 or 8 different small parking lots all around the Temple. There is one really nice place to get pictures but most areas are too close to the Temple to get the temple and people in the picture. It is so green and beautiful!!!
Then we went to the local Deseret Book Store. Brent likes to see how different stores display his books and ask what sells best etc. So we go in and they only had 2 or 3 Organ Chain books and that's it. He talked to a couple of different clerks asking about books until one said there were a stack of primary piano books behind the counter. maybe 10 books. They said they had to keep them there because they sell out so quickly. So he told them he was Brent Jorgensen and they got all excited and said they couldn't keep his books in, they sell so quickly. I just laughed... Brent is just Brent.
Then we went back to the Temple because now it was super sunny and all my other pictures had massive clouds behind the Temple. I took a picture similar to the one here of the Temple.
We headed to the coast. Brent wanted to go through a forest (I didn't get any pictures we couldn't see the forest for the trees, n open over looking places just down in the forest). It was a beautiful drive, their pine trees are gorgeous and I loved looking at them. By the time we got to the coast it was very overcast. It took us about 30 minutes to find public access to the beach. I got a couple of pictures. The ocean was raging and with the heavy overcast looking toward the sun it all looked golden. Not the yellow gold but a very light cream gold, and very shimmery. I am hoping that my camera captured the color, it was beautiful, but very ominous.

We went north up the coast. There are a lot of small towns along the coast and most are farming towns. I would crack up over and over again as we would see just these beautiful farms with houses far apart then come around the corner to see huge factories, they seemed so out of place. Then it would go back to farms again for miles.
Tillamook was a larger town that had several factories. That is were they make Tillamook cheese. We went to their factory
and were sad because we got there at 5:30 and they closed at 6 pm so we had to really rush through it. I really enjoyed the self tour and wished we would have got there earlier because it was super interesting. But it is what it is. We bought some cheese, ice cream, fudge and my favorite soft cream caramel's that were to die for. Sorry I didn't know they were so good until I got back to our hotel room and ate one or I would have got some for everyone!!! Then we went back to our hotel and got in about 8:40 so I started to watch the season premiere of Survivor but fell asleep around 9:15 from pure exhaustion from such a long but wonderful day.