Monday, September 22, 2008

Never Too Young

I guess you are never to young to find fault with yourself.

I think when ever most of us see a picture of ourselves we find something wrong with it.

My 5 year old took one look at his picture and said, "my teeth aren't loose they just look funny" He was referring to the gap between all of his teeth. I explained to him that there is just extra room so when his big teeth come in there will be room for them.

He is way too cute to start this so young.
I guess he comes by it naturally, the first thing I noticed when I saw his picture was the dirt on his face and thought I should have washed his face before I got the camera out... and then I thought I should photoshop it out... he is cute, a little dirt never hurt anyone.


SuperCoolMom said...

Love photoshop! I even cleaned my bathroom floor with it once.

the ridgeways said...

i think it's an adorable picture! dirt and all!

Lindsay said...

I thught boys were suppost to be dirty. Bothof mine are all the time!